Robert Medema Homicide

Sustained Coverage

A picture of a memorial featuring a photograph of the late Robert Medema.

On a Saturday morning in August 2012, I received a message from a source that there were several police cars and a crime lab van outside a house in a well-to-do Kalamazoo neighborhood. I went to the scene and soon discovered a well-known antiques dealer, Robert Medema, was killed inside his house. I covered both the police investigations and memorials for the community icon. Once arrests were made, I continued reporting on the criminal prosecution and trials of the men believed to have been involved from the murder.

Through my reporting, I found out that one of the men arrested had been released from prison in the past year and had asked a judge to delay sentencing for an assault shortly before the homicide. During the trial, I live-blogged the proceedings and provided article updates from the courtroom